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Map of first year of RV travel


Living in an RV your destination and location can change at any moment. Our goal is to cover as many destinations as we can along our journey.

month 5 full-time RV travel

Month 5 Full Time Travel

Our fifth month on the road actually took us off the road (sort of). While we’d planned to travel through the month of November before returning to Alabama, sometimes things don’t go as...

Month 3 on the road - Pueblo to Del Norte Colorado

Our third month on the road

Sometimes the cheapest way to travel is to sit still for a while, and that's just what we did for our third month on the road. It wasn't so much planned, as we just decided we liked the spot we...

2nd month of full-time rv travel - Piedmont to Pueblo

2 Months Full-time Travel

Second month by the Numbers Dates: July 21-August 21)3 states5 campgrounds550 miles$3836 spent If you’ve not already, be sure to read about our first month on the road. To give a little recap...

Heartland RV Park in Hermosa SD

When I first began doing research into campgrounds and RV Parks in the Black Hills, I ran across Heartland RV Park. It looked really awesome, but it was a bit expensive for us, with posted rates at...

Elk Creek Resort in Piedmont South Dakota

Have you ever wondered what makes a resort a resort? Yeah, me too. The more “resorts” we stay at the more I wonder where that name comes from. In the case of Elk Creek Resort, I believe...