Our seventh month of full-time rv living found us back on the road, heading south across Alabama and into Mississippi.

Julie grew up making cross-country road trips, and has always loved to travel. She dreamed of one day retiring and living in an RV while traveling. Finally, she realized that you can't wait to live the life you want, and there was no reason to wait. As a freelance writer and marketer she realized as long as she had internet she could live anywhere! So, she did.
Our seventh month of full-time rv living found us back on the road, heading south across Alabama and into Mississippi.
Frustrated with having to find rocks to weigh down your sewer elbow when you dump your tanks? There’s an answer for that, and it’ll cost you less than $10. The Camco 3-in-1 Flexible Sewer Hose seal is a little donut that fits down into the sewer connection providing a tighter fit for your sewer hose or elbow. Thankfully, this was an item that we purchased...
Full-time RV travel doesn't always mean moving every week, and in some cases it doesn't even mean moving every month. Such was the case for us during our sixth month of full-time RV travel life.
Did you know that not all RV water filters are created equal? We recently upgraded our RV Water filter system and here's what we learned in the process.
Our fifth month on the road actually took us off the road (sort of). While we’d planned to travel through the month of November before returning to Alabama, sometimes things don’t go as planned. Instead, we found ourselves starting month five back in North Alabama. Month 5 by the numbers Dates: October 24-November 242 States3 Campgrounds451 Miles$3500...
FREE laundry, long pull-through sites, in a quiet farm setting, is what you'll find on this tiny RV park in Canyon Texas.
Our fourth month on the road found us traveling more than we really intended. Where we went, what we did and what it cost us.
We stopped for a bit at Woods & River RV Park in Del Norte, CO. We weren't expecting much, but hoped for a relaxing stay with room to breathe. We got that and more.
Seems most RVers either love KOA campgrounds or they hate them. We avoided them up till now, but finally had no choice. So, after staying at two KOA campgrounds, how do we feel about them?